About Nathan Levy
My name is Nathan Levy and I am a writer from a small town in England called Leigh-On-Sea. I was born in 2004 and ever since I was around eleven years old, I have had a passion for post-apocalyptic stories such as the Fallout video game series, Metro Exodus and The Last of Us. At school, my favourite lessons would be the ones about history, religion and art and what fascinated me the most was the fight for freedom against the barbarism of fascism during the Second World War and the many revolutions such as the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the American Civil War, or the War of Southern Aggression as I like to call it, in which people fought for the rights which they didn’t have. It was back in 2020 that I realised that I also had a passion for writing stories, so I began making stories on Wattpad such as a Star Trek fanfic which I called The Voyages of the USS Apollo and a terminator-like story called The War of the Future and it was in 2024 that I decided to make a proper novel. So, taking inspiration from these games, films and stories which I like so much, I set out to write The Legacy of the Darkest War, a thirty-chapter long military sci-fi novel which shows how I think the world would change and what the world as we know it would be like fifty years after a nuclear war devastates the Earth. I don’t plan on stopping there of course and before long, there may yet be hundreds of novels all written by yours truly, Nathan Levy, writer, social democrat and the biggest anti-fascist you will ever meet.
The Legacy of the Darkest War
It is the year 2085 and fifty years have passed since the Darkest War, a nuclear holocaust that devastated the world killing countless innocents in mere hours. No one knows who was responsible, but everyone knows that in the immediate aftermath, billions had died and the world as everyone knew it came to an end. Now, warlords and their personal armies of barbarians fight one another for control of what remains of the world and it seems that all hope has been lost…
But it hasn’t.
Before the Darkest War, the United States Government was becoming increasingly totalitarian and a rebel group known as the Partisans had emerged to stop this. When the bombs fell, the Partisans had made a secret bunker known as Aurora their home and have survived there ever since the world was burned in nuclear fire.
Now, their descendants are united under the Partisan Republic and the time has come for them to finally emerge from their underground sanctuary and to return to the world that they left behind so long ago. Their journey will be a most difficult one, but along the way they will defeat many enemies, save many lives and bring a new age of peace, unity, democracy and freedom for all!
This is their story and this is…..The Legacy of the Darkest War.